A7 chord inversions

A7/C#, A7/E and A7/G are the first, second and third inversions of the A7. This means that the bass tone is shifting from A to C sharp, E or G.


  • A7/C# chord diagram XX111210X


  • A7/E chord diagram 002020


  • A7/G chord diagram 302020

Theory and information

All these chords consist of the notes A, C#, E, G. The difference is that the order of notes shifts. C# is the bass note in the first inversion, E is the bass note in the second inversion and G is the bass note in the third inversion.

Alternative fingerings

A7/C# can also be played as X42025. Note that X42020 are not working since it miss the root note (although it may function as a rootless voicing, but can otherwise be regarded as a C#dim chord). A7/E can also be played as 002023, avoiding the E note tripling.

Movable shapes

Versions with movable barre shapes:

A7/C#: 9 10 11 9 10 9
A7/G: X10 11 12 11 12

Alternative chord names

A7/G is identical with A/G.

Try in a chord progression

Em9 - A7/E - F#m7

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