Site map

Guitar chord chart

Comprehensive chart with guitar chords in all common keys.

Easy chords

Overview of basic major and minor chords.

Open chords

Comprehensive chart with guitar chords in all common keys.

Barre chords

Explanation of barre chords and examples of chord shapes.

Power chords

Explanation of power chords and examples of chord shapes.

Chord types

Several categories of chords explained in separated sections.

Beginner guides

Fundamental areas concerning guitar playing in conjunction to chord.


Other important areas ad tools for guitar playing.

Various lessons

Articles concerning guitar playing.

Alternate tunings

Guide to alternate tunings.

Free lessons

A collection of lessons with backing tracks.


A collection of ebooks for guitar.


Articles concerning specific styles in music and how to approach them on the guitar.

Chords by notes

Chords ordered after keys and major/minor.