Site map
Guitar chord chart
Comprehensive chart with guitar chords in all common keys.
Easy chords
Overview of basic major and minor chords.
Open chords
Comprehensive chart with guitar chords in all common keys.
Barre chords
Explanation of barre chords and examples of chord shapes.
Power chords
Explanation of power chords and examples of chord shapes.
Chord types
Several categories of chords explained in separated sections.
- Major chords
- Minor chords
- Maj7 chords
- m7 chords
- Sus chords
- Sus2 chords
- Sus4 chords
- Inverted chords
- Slash chords
- Add2 chords
- Add9 chords
- Minor Add chords
- 6th chords
- Minor 6th chords
- 7th chords
- 9th chords
- Minor 9th chords
- 11th chords
- Minor 11th chords
- 13th chords
- Minor 13th chords
- Maj 13th chords
- Dim chords
- Aug chords
- Sharp nine chords
Beginner guides
Fundamental areas concerning guitar playing in conjunction to chord.
- How to read chord diagrams
- How to place the fingers
- How to switch between chords
- How to strum a chord
- How to read short notated guitar chords
- How to play arpeggios
- Voicings
Other important areas ad tools for guitar playing.
- Interactive chord finder
- Chord theory
- Fretboard with notes
- Key and chord chart
- Transposition chart for capo
- Learn useful chord progressions
Various lessons
Articles concerning guitar playing.
- Learn all about how to play guitar chords
- Practice on chords - tips and tools
- Chords that sound good together
- Different playing techniques
- Cool guitar techniques
- Movable chord shapes
- Give your chords more blues feeling
- Correct left-hand position
- Fingerpicking patterns
- Chords suited for electric guitar
- Standard tuning
- Fingerpicking chords
- The strings of the guitar
- Chords for left-handed guitars
- Learn how to write songs
Alternate tunings
Guide to alternate tunings.
- Drop C tuning
- Drop D tuning
- Open C tuning
- Open D tuning
- Open E tuning
- Open G tuning
- Open Dm tuning
Free lessons
A collection of lessons with backing tracks.
A collection of ebooks for guitar.
Articles concerning specific styles in music and how to approach them on the guitar.
- Funk chords
- Punk chords
- Rock chords
- Rock'n'roll chords
- Blues chords
- Jazz chords
- Singer-songwriter chords
- Bossa nova chords
- Flamenco chords
Chords by notes
Chords ordered after keys and major/minor.