Chart with barre chords
When it comes to barre chords there are two common shapes for every chord, with the bass note on the 6th and 5th strings. The motivation for learning two positions for every barre chord is that it makes the movements over the fingerboard smaller. As shown on the pictures, the shapes are movable and all you need to memorize is the fret numbers.
For pdf, The Barre Chord Chart ebook with over 200 chord diagrams and 25 chord shapes.
x = don't play string | 1, 2, 3 and so on = fret number

Descriptions: A major with bass note on low E-string | A minor with bass note on low E-string | A major with bass note on A-string | A minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: A# / Bb major with bass note on low E-string | A# / Bb minor with bass note on low E-string | A# / Bb major with bass note on A-string | A# / Bb minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: B major with bass note on low E-string | B minor with bass note on low E-string | B major with bass note on A-string | B minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: C major with bass note on low E-string | C minor with bass note on low E-string | C major with bass note on A-string | C minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: C# / Db major with bass note on low E-string | C# / Db minor with bass note on low E-string | C# / Db major with bass note on A-string | C# / Db minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: D major with bass note on low E-string | D minor with bass note on low E-string | D major with bass note on A-string | D minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: D# / Eb major with bass note on low E-string | D# / Eb minor with bass note on low E-string | D# / Eb major with bass note on A-string | D# / Eb minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: E major with bass note on low E-string | E minor with bass note on low E-string | E major with bass note on A-string | E minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: F major with bass note on low E-string | F minor with bass note on low E-string | F major with bass note on A-string | F minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: F# / Gb major with bass note on low E-string | F# / Gb minor with bass note on low E-string | F# / Gb major with bass note on A-string | F# / Gb minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: G major with bass note on low E-string | G minor with bass note on low E-string | G major with bass note on A-string | G minor with bass note on A-string

Descriptions: G# / Ab major with bass note on low E-string | G# / Ab minor with bass note on low E-string | G# / Ab major with bass note on A-string | G# / Ab minor with bass note on A-string
Read more about the theory behind barre chords.
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