
Useful resources for you as a guitar player.

Interactice chord finderInteractive chord finder

Select a root note and a chord type and see the chord on the fretboard. An exclusive tool for chord learning and reference.

Interactive chord finder for left-handed guitar

chord progressions in chord namesChord progressions

A series of articles presenting lots of guitar chord progressions.

Progressions in various keys | Progressions in songs | Advanced progressions

chord progressions in chord generatorChord progressions generator

A tool that gives suggestions of progressions.

cropped fretboard with notes Fretboard with notes

Illustration of the fretboard that helps you learn all the notes on the guitar fretboard.

Including: Note location, Octaves

skewed tableKey and chord chart

Chart below is a guide that helps you find the right chord using a capo.

Including: Expanded chart, Chord possibilities

capoTransposition chart for capo

Guide for find right chords using a capo.

Including: Examples of how the chord changes, Choose the right capo

Convert toolTranspose chords

Tool for transpose chords and chord progressions.

Including: convert tool

illustration with dots and arrowsMovable chord shapes

Learn lots of chords fast by memorizing a couple of moving shapes.

Including: 6th, 9th, 11th, 13th chords

cropped chord diagramEmbellishment chords

Chords that can be used as embellishments.

Including: "embellishment chords"


Guide to voicings with lots of interesting examples.

Including: diagrams

cropped chord diagramChords that involve the thumb

Chords that can or must be played with the thumb involved.

Including: movable and open position chords

chord explained with illustrationChord theory

A short introduction of the theory behind chords.

Including: Chord comparisons, The connections of chords

Chord with slideSlide chords

Examples of chords with a slide.

Including: diagrams

Guitar with hand showing hybrid pickingChords for hybrid picking

Examples of chords that can be played as hybrid picking.

Including: diagrams

Chord in tabChord training

Exercises for chord training.

Including: pdf files

MetronomeChord strumming with metronome

Exercises for chord playing in tempos.

Including: diagrams, sounds

strings with numbersThe strings of the guitar

The names and numbers of each string of the guitar is explained.

Including: Tuning, String connections

Diagrams and tabsChords in notation

Chords and progressions written in tab notation.

Including: pdf files

Logo and guitar in the backgroundGuitar digital poster

A collection of digital posters.

Fretboard| Drop D

Logo and guitar in the backgroundGuitar lessons

A series of lessons with backing track and interactive instructions.

Interactive: Play-along

More articles and guitar lessons

Here are free guitar lessons in written articles. The articles combine texts and chord diagrams and tabs if necessary. More articles will show up here now and then.

Video lessons

Here are free guitar lessons in video format.
