Chord strumming with metronome

Guitar on the carpetTo strum along with other musicians, it's important to be able to play in tempo. A metronome is a common training tool for improve your tempo feel. Here you can play with a metronome that instead for the somewhat boring click sound uses sounds from a drum kit.

Some progression (you can of course replace these with other chords):

F – G – C – E

Em – Bm – C – D – G

D – Dmaj7 – G – Gmaj7

D – D/B – A – F#m – Em7 – A7 – D

F – C – A – Dm – Bb – C – F

C – Caug – F – Fm – C – G7

Chose a tempo with the metronome, bpm is abbreviation for beat per minute.

Metronome bpm sound
60 hi-hat
80 hi-hat
100 hi-hat
120 hi-hat
120 hi-hat (8ths), bass drum
120 hi-hat (8ths), bass drum, snare
120 hi-hat (8ths), bass drum, bass (E key)
120 hi-hat (8ths), bass drum, snare, bass (E key)
140 hi-hat (8ths), bass drum, snare, bass (E key)

It's recommended that you start in a slow tempo and gradually increase. This is a great way to learn and conquer progressions.

Another way to practice is chord progressions with backing tracks.

The last metronome examples with bass can be used for rock and blues foremost.

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