C7 chord
C7 chord for guitar in different forms, including open and barre chords.
The most common way to play the chord. Avoid playing on the 6th string. C7 is a four-note chord consisting of C, E, G, Bb (G is sometimes omitted).
Alternative shapes
C7 barre
C7 barre
Relevant chords
Theory and information
Try in a chord progression
Dm7 - C7 - Bb - F (see with diagrams in pdf)
Chord names
C7 is a dominant chord. C7/E, C7/G and C7/Bb are inversions of the chord.
Notes in the chord
The notes that the C7 chord consists of are C, E, G, Bb.
To get C9 add D.
To get Cmaj7 replace Bb with B.
The C seventh is constructed with the formula 1-3-5-b7. The 5th is sometimes omitted as in the pictured version below:
1st inversion: C7/E (means that E is the bass note).
2nd inversion: C7/G (means that G is the bass note).
3rd inversion: C7/Bb (means that Bb is the bass note).
Diagrams of these inversions
C7 (no3) is a C dominant 7th with no third (E).
C7 (no5) is a C dominant 7th with no fifth (G).
Assorted slash chords
Versions with alternate bass notes in short notation:
C7/F: 112010
C7/A: X02310
Alternative chord names
C7/D is theoretically identical with C9/D.
Written in tab format (main version in open position)
- 0 -
- 1 -
- 3 -
- 2 -
- 3 -
- - -
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