A#m or Bbm chord
A# or Bb minor chord for guitar in different forms: basic, as barre chord and with a capo.
Diagram with fingerings
A#m / A#min / A#mi / A#- / A# minor

Diagram with notes
A#m / A#min / A#mi / A#- / A# minor

Alternative shapes
A#m (capo 1)
A#m barre 1st
A#m barre 2nd
A#m and Bbm (A sharp and B flat minor) are the same chord, but their names change depending on the key they are played in.
Try in a chord progression
A#m - F# - G# - A#m / Bbm - Gb - Ab - Bbm
Theory of the A#m / Bbm chord
The notes that the A#m chord consists of are A#, C#, F. The notes that the Bbm chord consists of are Bb, Db, F.
A#m (no3) is an A# minor with no third (C#).
A#m (no5) is an A# minor with no fifth (F).
Alternatives with capo
Am shape with a capo on 1st fret (see picture).
Em shape with a capo on 6th fret.
Dm shape with a capo on 8th fret.
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