Inverted chords
Inverted chords consist of chords in which the notes have changed order and the tonic (the root of the chord) is no longer the bass note. Some get confused when they see a chord written out like C/E. What it means is that the E note has changed position in the chord to become the bass note and the chord is played inverted. The C chord with the notes C, E and G is instead played in order as E, G and C.
The inverted chords are especially common for piano players: changing the order of notes in a chord can minimize the distance of movement over the keyboard then switching from one chord to another. For guitarists, the inverted chord has not this function, but gives possibilities to enrich the sound and make smooth transitions in chord progressions. They are also similar to slash chords.
Common inverted chords
Chord progressions with inverted chords
The following sequences includes inverted chords and gives you a sense of important applications of these chords:
G - D/F# - Em
(Instead of the usual D we are positioning the F# as the bass note between G and E.)
A - A/C# - D
(This time we switch the bass note of the same chord from A to a C# – that is placed between A and D in the scale – before moving on to D.)
In this third example the movement starts with the inverted chord:
E/B - Am - G
Here B, A and G form a descending bass line.
A last sequence:
C - Em/B - Am
You should be able to find other variants now as you know the method.
All inversions of major triads
Diagrams and information of first and second inversions:
D/F# and D/A
E/G# and E/B
F/A and F/C
G/B and G/D
A/C# and A/E
B/D# and B/F#
All inversions of minor triads
Diagrams and information of first and second inversions:
Dm/F and Dm/A
Em/G and Em/B
Fm/Ab and Fm/C
Gm/Bb and Gm/D
Am/C and Am/E
Bm/D and Bm/F#
Inverted 7th chords
The chords in the four diagrams are all dominant sevenths with alternative bass notes. A chord progression you can try is:
C - G7/B - Am7
Note that the bass note remains at the fifth string throughout the whole sequence (the low E-string shouldn't be played at all).
Inverted Major 7th chords
A less bassier version of Bmaj7/F# is 224342. Another possible version of Gmaj7/B is X20002.
The chords in the four diagrams are all major sevenths with alternative bass notes. A chord progression you can try is:
Fmaj7/A - Bb - C
Since four notes are involved in the major seventh chords there are three possible inversions for each.
Inverted Minor 7th chords
The chords in the diagrams are all minor sevenths with alternative bass notes. Chord progressions you can try are:
Cmaj7 - Em7/B - Am7
G - Bm7/F# - Em
Em7 - Am7/G - Am7 - Em7/B - Am7 - Gmaj7/B - Cadd9
Since four notes are involved in the minor seventh chords there are three possible inversions for each.
More inverted chords
Other chord categories as 9th and 6th chords can be played with alternate bass notes. Have in mind that the third inversion of the 6th chord will copy the relative minor 7th chord. For example C6/A is identical with Am7.
C11/Bb: X10011
Cmaj13/G: 332002
D9/F#: 200210
D/A: X0777X
Dm11/A: X00011
Dmadd9/A: X03230
E11/A: X00100
Em/G: 322000
Em6/A: X02020
F7/Eb: XX1211
Fm7/C: X31111
F#m7/A: X04220
F#m11/A: X04420
G6no3/D: XX0030
Gm/Bb: X10033
Am7/G: 302010
Am11/G: 300210
B7/D#: XX1202
Bsus4/F#: XX4450
B7sus4/A: X04450
Bm11/A: X04430
For pdf charts, see The Chord Reference ebook
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