G#m or Abm chord

G# or Ab minor chord for guitar in different forms: basic, as barre chord and with a capo.

Diagram with fingerings

G#m / G#min / G#mi / G#- / G# minor

G#m chord diagram with fingerings

Diagram with notes

G#m / G#min / G#mi / G#- / G# minor

G#m chord diagram with notes

Alternative shapes


  • G#m chord diagram XX6444

G#m (capo 4)

  • G#m capo

G#m barre 1st

  • G#m barre chord diagram 466444

G#m barre 2nd

  • G#m barre chord diagram


G#m and Abm (G sharp and A flat minor) are the same chord, but their names change depending on the key they are played in. Note that the chord is played in 4th position (the root is on the 4th fret).

Try in a chord progression

G#m - E - B - F# / Abm - E - B - Gb

Theory of the G#m / Abm chord

The notes that the G#m chord consists of are G#, B, D#. The notes that the Abm chord consists of are Ab, B, Eb.


G#m (no3) is a G# minor with no third (B).
G#m (no5) is a G# minor with no fifth (D#).

Alternatives with capo

Em shape with a capo on 4th fret (see picture).
Dm shape with a capo on 6th fret.
(The third alternative with Am shape is less appropriate since the capo would be put on the 11th fret.)

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