CGDGCD tuning

guitar with CGDGCD tuningThe CGDGCD tuning is also known as Csus2 tuning (a Csus2 chord is what you get if you play all strings open).

This tuning is primarily recommended to try on an acoustic steel string guitar. This is one of the many open tunings that are suitable for songwriters and by utilize many open strings, original and beautiful sounds can be found.

The name of the tuning tells how you should tune your guitar, in other words C G D G C D. The 6th, 5th and 1st strings should be tuned down and the 2nd string should be tuned up. There are risks involved of breaking strings when a string is tuned up from the standard, but since this is only a half step, a healthy string should manage the extra tension.

More info

Including an octave perspective, the tuning is written C2-G2-D3-G3-C4-D4, meaning that the lowest string is a C note on the second octave, the second lowest string is a G note on the second octave and so on. Standard tuning reference: E2-A2-D3-G3-B3-E4. Open C tuning reference: C2-G2-C3-G3-C4-E4.



  • Cadd2/E chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • F6sus2 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • Gsus4 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • Am11 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning

Bm#5 add(m2)

  • Bm#5 add (m2) chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • Csus2 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • Cadd2 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • Dm11 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • G chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • F6/9 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • Gadd4 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • Am11 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • G7sus4 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


  • G7sus4 chord diagram in CGDGCD tuning


The xx7000 version of Am11 is without the fifth. Instead of Cmaj9/E, Cmaj9 can also be played as 042000, but in many cases it will not sound very well with the low open C string included.

Other sus chords in CGDGCD tuning

There are lots of possibilities for playing sus chords in this tuning. Some additional options are:

Csus2: X55000
C6sus2: 077000
Gsus2: X00220
Gsus4: 770000
G7sus4: X00550
G6sus4: X00540
D7sus4: 220000
D9sus4: 222000

More chords in CGDGCD tuning

Assorted chords in this tuning:

G11/B: X43000
D#maj7/A#: X30030
Gm6/A#: X30040

Chord progressions with CGDGCD tuning

Some examples of progressions using this alternate tuning:

Cadd2 - Dm11 - Cmaj9/E - F6/9 - Gadd4 -

Cadd2/4 - F6sus2 - Gsus4

Csus2 - Bm#5 add(m2) - Am11

This was an introduction about chords and progressions in CGDGCD (a.k.a. Csus2) tuning, see also DADGAD tuning and EADGBD tuning.
