E7 chord inversions
E7/G#, E7/B and E7/D are the first, second and third inversions of the E7. This means that the bass tone is shifting from E to G sharp, B or D.
Theory and information
All these chords consist of the notes E, G#, B, D. The difference is that the order of notes shifts. G# is the bass note in the first inversion, B is the bass note in the second inversion and D is the bass note in the third inversion.
Alternative fingerings
E7/G# can also be played as 420100, the diagram version above omits the 5th. Another E7/G# version with an omitted 5th is (XXX130). The most natural alternative for E7/B is X20130. One of the alternatives for E7/D is XX045.
Alternative chord names
E7/G# is identical with E7/Ab.
E7/D is identical with E/D.
Try in a chord progression
A - E7/D - D