G minor key chords

The key of G minor can be connected to seven main chords, built from the notes in the key. To that can additional expanded chords be included. The table below list chords that are part of this key.

Note that Gm minor is relative to Bb major and both include the same chords. But since there are three minor scales (Natural, Melodic and Harmonic), the G minor key can include chords that normally aren't connected to Bb major.

The table shows the relationship of all triads in this key. The roman numerals indicate scales degrees, but are also used to describe that function of the chord.

Triad chords in Gm key

i ii° III iv v VI VII
Cm Ddim Eb Fm Gm Ab Bb

To notice is that the key includes three minor and three major chords plus one, less used, diminished chord.

Basic Gm chord progressions

Many of the diatonic chords in this key are commonly played with barre fingerings on the guitar, an option is to use the open G Minor tuning. Here are some examples with progressions based on the Gm key including triads:

Gm - Bb - F - Gm

Gm - Cm - F

Gm - Eb - Bb - F

Bb - Dm - Gm

Bb - F - Cm - Gm

The typical way is to start and/or end the progressions with the i in a minor key chord progression.

Four-note chords in Gm key

i7 ii7b5 IIImaj7 iv7 v7 VImaj7 VII7
Gm7 Am7b5 Bbmaj7 Cm7 Dm7 Ebmaj7 F7

To notice is that the key now includes a half-diminished chord (ii7b5) and a dominant seventh chord (VII7) in addition the minor and major chords.

Gm chord progressions

Here are some examples with progressions based on the Gm key:

Gm7 - F7 - Eb

Gm - Dm/F - Eb - Dm - Cm - F

Bbmaj7 - Cm7 - Dm7 - Gm7

Melodic and Harmonic G minor

Besides the natural minor scale, the melodic and harmonic scales can also be used as a fundament for chords progressions. The harmonic minor differs from the natural minor with a raised seventh; the melodic minor differs from the natural minor with raised sixth and seventh. Still, the majority of songs written in minor keys use the natural minor.

Triad chords in G Melodic minor

i ii III+ IV V VI° VII°
Gm Am Bbaug C D Edim F#dim

To notice is that the composition of chords now includes one augmented chord and two diminished chords. These chord groups are less convenient to creating chord progressions this will lessen the potential for the Melodic minor in this area.

One example with progression based on the Gm Melodic is:

Gm - Am - C - D - Gm

Triad chords in G Harmonic minor

i ii° III+ iv v VI VII°
Gm Adim Bbaug Cm D Eb F#dim

Also in this case the composition of chords involve one augmented chord and two diminished chords, which gives similar aspects as for the Melodic scale.

One example with progression based on the Gm Harmonic is:

Gm/D - Dm7 - Eb7 - D7

See also:

C minor key chords
Key and chord chart
Dorian mode chord chart
Lydian mode chord chart
Mixolydian mode chord chart
Phrygian mode chord chart