Rock chord progressions over backing tracks
Play rock chord progression over music tracks.
To see instructions for the changes in the chord progressions click at the "Start music / chord changes"-button and you will start the backing track plus the real-time chord changes which can be seen in the empty field.
Rock chord progressions – lesson 1
The lesson series on rock starts with a simple two chord change, but no more is sometimes needed in this genre. You are recommended to use and electric guitar in combination with some distortion / overdrive effects on the amp for this lesson.
A | A | Dsus2 | Dsus2
1st bar | 2nd bar | 3rd bar | 4th bar
Start the practice by clicking the button below (this will start the backing track and show chord changes).
Repeats: 5 times
BPM: 120
Time signature: 4/4
Click the buttons to play or pause the audio.
Chord diagrams
These open chords will sound right for this medium rock tune.
Alternative chords diagrams
If you prefer a more rough vibe, you can use these power chords.
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