Open Cmaj9 tuning
The Open C major 9th tuning is an alternative tuning for guitar.
To get the open Cmaj7 tuning on your guitar you tune it like this: CGDGBE. The strings that differ from the standard should be turned so the string tension is decreased and not the opposite. Note the 1-4 string same as standard tuning, which are the 5th and 6th strings; therefore, many fingerings are similar to that you are used to. The only difference with the Cmaj7 tuning is the 4th string, which is tuned down one step from E to D, which also lessen the pressure on that string. Compared to the Dropped C tuning, only the 5th string differ.
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Including an octave perspective, the tuning is written C2-G2-D3-G3-B3-E4, meaning that the lowest string is a C note in the second octave, the second lowest string is a G note in the second octave and so on. Standard tuning reference: E2-A2-D3-G3-B3-E4.
Obviously, there are many ways to play different C chords. Cmaj9 can also be played as 040000, 050000 and 000500 and many more fingerings. Am9/C can also be played as 022000, which is a symmetrical alternative. Another option for Em7 is 400400.
Chord collection: Chord chart Cmaj9 Tuning (pdf)
Additional chords in Open Cmaj9
Cmaj7: 002000
Dm11/C: 000231
Emadd9: 404000
Em11: 400200
Em13: 400020
Am7/G: X02210
G9: X00201
Chord progressions
Progressions in this specific tuning:
Em7 (400030) - Em9 (404030) - C/D (202010) - G6/D (202000)
Asus2/G (707000) - A9/G (767000) - Asus2/G (707000) - Am9/G (757000)
For more progressions, see The Alternate Tunings ebook.
See also Open C tuning and CGDGCD tuning